Note the phone number and web address remain the same.
If the Mayor, City Administrator and Council members all looked the "other way" as John Meyer (our now former Financial Director) worked with other cities, operated his own business and had outside employment, what else are the not watching? "He still found time to bill us $42,000 and still have a full-time job," O'Loughlin said. "That's pretty good." Maple Lake Mayor, regarding our full time employed City Finance Director. 1/23/2009
The City better check into this! Since the administrator is responsible, Mr. Larson should be on the phone first thing in the morning finding out exactly when Mr. Meyer did all this outside work.
Good job, bloggers! How in the world did you get this information?
I vote NO to another finance director.
One can not work with a City outside of City hours. To say otherwise would prove one to be a naive moron.
Surely we don't have any of those running our City.
Enjoy the show, Centerville!
Is this Mr. Larson not doing his job or turning a blind eye?
Either way, this does not look good for Dallas.
Makes you wonder
Dallas Larson and the entire council have to defend Mr. Meyer because he did freelance work outside our city with their approval. Really, what did he do wrong?
Watch Capra and Larson defend this in the press. They have little or no choice. Too bad for them that the bloggers see through it.
I don't think it will be JUST the bloggers that see through it..................I think everyone else will too
When did Meyer have time to sleep IF he was actually working and paid full time salary and still working for other cities and Lightowler Johnson Assoc.?
Just called 320.420.1000. It has a generic outgoing message. No name, no business, no information.
No wonder the last finance director has been unavailable for comment in all the recent newspaper articles.
"Watch Capra and Larson defend this in the press. They have little or no choice. Too bad for them that the bloggers see through it."
You were soooo right! Not only did they defend it but they attacked their own constituents in the process!
Time for a recall of the election?
An innocent person would be returning phone calls and professing innocence.
A responsible council would be asking questions (as Maple Lake did) and not disparaging the citizens who have questioned this issue.
"Capra said Meyer was a good employee who brought in more than $3 million in grant funds for the city, and that resident inquiries into Meyer’s personal file are costing the city tax dollars because of attorney fees"
Why would the City be involving an attorney in this matter? Maple Lake did not waste any time cleaning house!
Over 650 petitioners is considered a small group? Looking forward to the audit release.
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