Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Where did the website go?

Since the State audit became a reality, there have been some interesting changes to a particular Centerville employee website. All the following pages are cached through Google and no longer available online. The website was deleted shortly before our Finance Director Mr. Meyer abruptly retired.


Anonymous said...

Uh oh, I thinks somebody is is BIG trouble!

Anonymous said...

Why wasn't anyone watching Meyer? Sneaky Fellow!

Anonymous said...

I believe that would be Dallas Larson's job. To keep an eye on is employee's. Makes you wonder, did they have something cookin' together. You scratch my back.... I'll scratch yours kind of thing.

Hey isn't that one of the reasons he was canned from Cannon Falls?


Anonymous said...

The council seems to do a good job of looking the other way. When a person is fired from a previous job wouldn't you think someone would monitor his behavior. One reason he was fired was he couldn't be trusted. Seems he might be up to his old tricks! Where is the mayor in all of this?

Anonymous said...

The mayor is blindly defending her complacency in the matter. They all knew that Meyer had outside interests but hired him on full time anyway. Now they refuse to question whether any of this work could actually have been done off the clock and choose to attack the very citizens that have dug up the information. Their condescending attitude is disgusting.
Our current council excluding Fehrenbacher knew that Dallas Larson was fired from Cannon Falls by a 5-0 no confidence vote but decided to hire him anyway. Are they all too busy to care about Centerville or what?
It is about time for something like this blog.
Thank you bloggers!

Anonymous said...

Someone should check on what "really" happened in Canby when he was there.